Keith Diaz Moore, Ph.D., AIA (he/his)

Professor, Associate Provost for Institutional Design and Strategy
office: Rm 235, 375 1530 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
ARCH 6010 Architectural Studio III G
ARCH 6703 Professional Practice II
Keith Diaz Moore, Ph.D., AIA is a Professor of Architecture, and served as Dean of the College of Architecture + Planning at the University of Utah from 2014 to 2023. At the University of Utah, Dr. Diaz Moore has also had the privilege of serving as Interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Interim Chief Sustainability Officer. He also served as co-facilitator of the Anti-Racism Task Force (2017-2019), was chair of the Community-Engaged Scholarship ad hoc Working Group (2016) and, as iSVPAA, appointed the Community-Engaged University Carnegie Reclassification Committee (2018). His administrative work has consistently been dedicated to student success, sustainability, inclusion and community impact.
Dr. Diaz Moore is an international expert in the connection between culture, health and place, particularly regarding design for people experiencing dementia with several books, over 40 refereed publications and more than 100 presentations on the topic. Whether in his academic, professional or community roles, he is an ardent proponent for the power of good design to promote health and social wellbeing. His leadership in this area has been recognized in his election and service as Chair of the Environmental Design Research Association (2006) and as President of the Architectural Research Center Consortium (2011-2014). He was also elected to the USD 497 School Board of Education reflecting his community leadership and was instrumental in the passage of a $92.5 million bond. In 2019, he served as President of AIA Utah.
Ph.D. in Architecture, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, 2000
Master of Architecture, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, 1992
Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988
Environmental Gerontology
Environmental Public Health
Selected Refereed Publications
Diaz Moore, K. (2020). Healthy Places: Towards a Transdisciplinary Mapping of the Theoretical Landscape. Enquiry, 17 (2): 1-20.
Diaz Moore, K. (2018). “A Place-based Ethic of Care: The Beginnings of the Utah School” in A. Amiri & R. O’Neal Dagg (Eds.), The Ethical Imperative: Proceedings of the 2018 ACSA Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: ACSA.
Scharlach, A. & Diaz Moore, K. (2016). Aging-in-Place. In Bengston, V., & Setterston, R. (Eds), Handbook of Theories of Aging (3rd Edition). New York: Springer.
Watts, A., Ferdous, F., Diaz Moore, K., & Burns, J. M. (2015). Neighborhood Integration and Connectivity Predict Cognitive Performance and Decline. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 1, doi: 2333721415599141.
Kader, S. & Diaz Moore, K. (2015). Therapeutic Dimensions of Palliative Care Environment. In A. Aksamija, (Eds.), The Proceedings of the Architectural Research Centers Consortium Conference. Chicago, Il: Perkins + Will.
Diaz Moore, K. (2014). “Ecological Model of Place for the Aging.” International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 79(3):183-209.
Ferdous, F. & Diaz Moore, K. (2014). “Field observations into the environmental soul: Spatial configuration and social life for people experiencing dementia.” American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related dementias, doi: 1533317514545378.
Smith, E., Rozek, E. & Diaz Moore, K. (2014). “Creating SPOTs for successful aging: Strengthening the case for developing university based retirement communities using Social-Physical Place Over Time Theory.” Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 28(1):21-40.
Geboy, L., Diaz Moore, K. & Smith, E.K. (2012). “Environmental Gerontology for the Future: Community-Based Living for the Third Age.” Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 26(1-3), 44-61.
Diaz Moore, K. & Geboy, L. (2011). “Regarding the Question of Evidence: Worldviews in Environmental Design Research.” In M. Bonaiuto, M. Bonnes, A.M. Nenci & G. Carrus (Eds.), Urban Diversity – Environmental and Social Issues. Gottingen, Germany: Hogrefe.
Diaz Moore, K. & Ekerdt, D. (2011). “Age and the Cultivation of Place.” Journal of Aging Studies, 25(2), p.189-192.
Diaz Moore, K. & Geboy, L. (2010). The Question of Evidence: Current Worldviews in Environmental Design Research and Practice. Architectural Research Quarterly, 14(2), p.105-114.
Diaz Moore, K. (2008). Book Review of “Home and Identity in Late Life: International Perspectives” and “Institution and Home: Architecture as Cultural Medium.” Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 26(4), p. 357-359.
Diaz Moore, K. (2008). Book Review of “Institution and Home: Architecture as Cultural Medium.” Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 22(3), 279-282.
Diaz Moore, K. (2007). “Restorative Dementia Gardens: Exploring how design may ameliorate attention fatigue”, Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 21(1/2), 73-88.
Diaz Moore, K., Geboy, L., Weisman, G. (2006). Designing a Better Day: Planning and Design Guidelines for Adult and Dementia Day Centers. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Diaz Moore, K. (2005). “Utilizing place rules and affect to understand environmental fit.” Environment and Behavior, 37(3), 330-363.
Diaz Moore, K. (2005). “Design Guidelines for Adult Day Services” in D. Friedman (ed.), AIA 2005 Report on University Research, Washington, DC: AIA.
Selected Non-Refereed Publications
Garcia, I., De La Torre, A., Kim, J., Reno, J. & Diaz Moore, K., (2019). Life Space Mobility and Aging in Place. INITC-RR-1109. Portland, OR: Transportation Research and Education Center. (
Diaz Moore, K., Garcia, I. & Kim, J. (2019). Healthy Places and the Social Life of Older Adults. In L. Kaye & C. Singer (eds.), Social Isolation of Older Adults. New York: Springer.
Diaz Moore, K. (2018). Environment and Ageing. In M. Skinner, G. Andrews & M. Cutchin (eds.), Geographical Gerontology: Concepts and Approaches. London: Routledge.
Diaz Moore, K. (ed.) (2017). "Culture--Meaning--Architecture: Critical reflections on the work of Amos Rapoport," Routledge: Revival Series.
Contributors include: Irwin Altman, Robert Beckley, Linda Groat, Susan Kent, Jon Lang, Roderick Lawrence, Setha Low, Paul Oliver, and Amos Rapoport. (originally published in 2000)
Diaz Moore, K., Greenfield, E. & Scharlach, A. (2017). Healthy Aging and its Implications for Public Health: Healthy Communities. In W. Satariano & M. Maus (eds)., Aging, Place and Health: A Global Perspective. Sudbury, MA; Jones & Bartlett.
Diaz Moore, K. (2012). “From Environment and Behavior to Place and Experience: Four Contributions for Change,” in Ahrentzen, S., Despres, C. & Schermer, B. (Eds.), Building Bridges, Blurring Boundaries: The Milwaukee School in Environment-Behavior Studies. Quebec City: Villes Regions Monde. (invited submission)
Diaz Moore, K. (2011). “Adult Day Services and Respite,” in C. Leibrock & D. Harris, Design Details for Health (2nd Edition). New York: Wiley. (invited submission)
Diaz Moore, K. (2010). “Teaching and Learning in the Disciplines: Beyond informing students to developing responsible agents in our communities.” Teaching Matters, 14(1): 3,6.
Diaz Moore, K. (2008). “Restorative Dementia Gardens: Exploring how design may ameliorate attention fatigue”, in S. Rodiek & B. Schwarz (Eds.), Outdoor environments for people with dementia. Binghampton, NY: Haworth Press.