Program Overview
The Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies (BSAS) is an undergraduate, pre-professional degree in architecture that provides a well-rounded academic foundation from which an individual might develop pre-professional competency for entry-level employment in the building industry. For those seeking work at the graduate level, it provides a thorough preparation for a professional, accredited Master of Architecture program, or studies in related environmental design fields. The program requires a year of design foundations education during which students take a number of pre-architecture requirements and general education classes. Once admitted into the major in the sophomore year, students take a number of required courses which provide a broad introduction to the field of architecture and a solid foundation for the development of individualized programs at the graduate level.
Students who wish to major in architectural studies should first meet with a College of Architecture + Planning advisor to receive an orientation to Design Foundations and the architecture major. Prior to applying to the major (which occurs at the end of the first year of study), students complete the College of Architecture + Planning's Design Foundations courses, as well as most of University General Education requirements.
The Design Foundations program provides pre-major students with cross-disciplinary design-related literacy and skills in a supportive, cohort-based learning environment. In their first year, Design Foundations students work together in three courses— Design Contexts (DES 2630), Design Ecologies (CMP 2010), and Design Foundations Workshop (ARCH 2630). The Design Foundation Workshop (ARCH 2630) course will prepare students for the admission process into architecture major, and students’ work from this class will be evaluated during the admission process.
The architectural curriculum consists of a sequence of design studios, architectural history and theory classes, building technology and structures, design communications, professional practice and elective courses. This well-rounded, integrated curriculum provides students with the foundational architectural knowledge, design skills and technical aptitude.